Let us Pray


The most important thing we can do...

What wonderful things God is doing on the North Shore!  We have seen growth in depth and width this semester.  God is bringing students who are passionate about seeing their friends experience the extravagant love of God in their lives.  They are especially driven and excited because of the ways they have been personally growing in their relationships with the Lord.

Fall Conference was a significant time of encouragement as we explored how, even though our faith is messy, God's love is greater than our mess and He invites us into relationship with Him, forgives us, and calls us to participate in His kingdom work.  All this even though we fail Him and mess up.  Other students have grown in their excitement as they have seen their friends joining GIGs (groups investigating God) and encountering Jesus for the first time.  Still others are learning to pray; in the midst of opposition on campus or for their personal spiritual growth.  God has been answering prayers and removing barriers.  I have witnessed an increasing desire for prayer in our staff and students.