Freshman Outreach at Bridgewater State

We started this spring semester strong by doing more focused outreach in the freshman halls through spiritual surveys. While we’re not collecting data per-se, we are looking for the areas on campus where God is already at work and inviting people to check out a bible study or spiritual discussion.

A few weeks ago Jeff (a student leader) and I went door to door in Hall 15 asking people to fill out our simple 3 question survey.  We were concluding a survey at one door when we turned around to find a student in the hallway who seemed to have listened in on our conversation.  “I can help you out with that,” he said, to our surprise, and we handed him the survey.

After filling it out, his answers clearly indicated that he was interested in growing spiritually at Bryant, so we asked him about his spiritual background and proceeded to have a 30 minute conversation in his room about his powerful conversion experience in Dubai a few years before coming to Bryant.  He has felt a bit farther from God after his first semester at Bryant, but still has a desire to see God move both in his life and in the lives of his friends.

Jeff and I left that conversation feeling super encouraged not only because our outreach tool was effective, but because of the truth that God was and is moving all over campus.  Our lesson that afternoon was obedience, obedience to go and reach out with faith that God would open a door at the perfect time.

By Erin Correy, Campus Staff | Bridgewater State