RWU Students Hear from God
Last month, myself (Zach) and 4 Roger Williams University students attended Summit, InterVarsity's New England student leader camp. Students grew in their intimacy with the Lord, committed to meeting and praying daily for half an hour for the RWU campus, and received training to grow in the leadership abilities on campus.
Zack leading 115 students at Summit on how to make good, God centered plans for leading a Bible study small group.
Kellie, a rising senior, says,
"Summit this year was amazing, especially because of the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit as He filled Summit with an obvious desire for revival in New England! The Lord called myself, Lauren and Kara to begin praying daily on campus next semester and asking the Lord to bring revival to campus. We were given set time to hear from God about where He was calling us to lead on campus next semester and God called me to commit to discipling someone next semester.
I’m very excited for this new adventure (though obviously very terrified!), which will take the form of leading a freshman small group and equipping this leader to eventually take it over by the end of the semester. God also led me to commit to inviting my best friend to follow Jesus ( the next month..!). This was a huge defining moment for me in my faith journey, and while I have never led someone to faith before, I am excited to try!"
In addition to Kellie, the 3 other students felt God calling them to:
- A (second) freshman Bible study
- A bible study while studying abroad in China in the fall
- Volunteering with InterVarsity at Central CT State Univ after she graduates in December
By, Zach Oliveira, Campus Staff | Roger Williams University