Experiencing Transformation on ServeUP

Some of the UConn students at one of our worksites

Some of the UConn students at one of our worksites

Year after year, ServeUp always proves to us that it is worth the work we put into it. The transformation in students that occurs on ServeUP happens in a unique way that just doesn't happen back on campus.

Many of the Greek students I brought had walls up in the beginning of the week, and it was hard to even see why they came on the trip. However, we asked students a question  about the brokenness they have in their own lives. In response, students began to open up with some of the most honest vulnerability I have ever seen.

“This was the best week of my life.” - Bella, Freshman in Kappa Alpha Theta

In my group alone, students started to share about their own brokenness including experiencing rape, physical abuse, self hatred, and generational addiction --and this was just my group of four girls. My heart broke as I heard each story, and it broke even more knowing that Jesus could be their healer. 

By, Alexa Higley, Campus Greek Staff | UConn