Sorority Story

Last semester, a shy student leader and myself walked into a room of 115 sorority women to share with them about Greek IV. We both were nervous, but took a step in faith and made the announcement and passed out spiritual surveys. We were astonished to receive back 8 surveys (this is a record at UConn!) saying girls were interested in learning more about Greek IV and who Jesus is. One of those women was, T., a Sophomore who grew up in the church, but like most freshman fell away from her faith as she entered college and joined her sorority. T. and I began to meet weekly last semester and we talked bout how amazing it would be to start a Bible study in her sorority house. This semester (which just started) T. has joined our leadership team, she has invited 6 of her sisters and a fraternity man to come on our spring break trip, ServeUp, where they will all hear the gospel... AND next week we are starting a Bible study in the Pi Beta Phi house!

Praise God for new student leaders and for their hearts to reach their friends. Pray with me that T. will continue to grow in Christ's love for her sisters and for her protection as she takes major steps of faith in a hard to spiritually dark place.