Spring Break Resurrections

Here are just a few snapshots and quotes of what God has done on our InterVarsity Spring Break trip "ServeUP" last month:

Sarah, a senior community service leader at her college, had a reawakening in a her faith that had long ago faded. After our last evening session the first week, she said "I finally realize that I cannot make real change through service without Jesus and without Jesus I have no real motivation for service. I don't want to do this anymore without Him."

Tabitha said, "Last night I stood up for seeking Jesus. I want to know more about who Jesus is but I don't know how I feel about God and Jesus. Is that okay?" Her friend assured her that seeking Jesus was a great place to be.

Ana grew up in a home that was quite skeptical toward Christianity and wasn't that engaged with faith or Jesus during ServeUP. However, she s a profound experience with vulnerability being immersed in a Christian community and wants to join InterVarsity back on campus.

John and Xiang are international students from China who had never engaged with faith prior to coming to the US this year. They have been attending a Bible study on campus, and at ServeUP John decided to follow Jesus. Meanwhile, Xiang says she now believes that God brought her here and that she is very close to becoming a Christian also!

Praise God for the resurrection that many of these students have experienced. And pray for the seekers to commit to start following Jesus before the end of the school year!