A Life Transformed
One of the students joining us was a senior Chinese international student, who joined the trip due to an invite from one of our student leaders who lives on his floor. This was his first time hearing the gospel, and by the end of the week, he was very much immersed in trying to understand the faith; it wasn’t until he got back to campus that he decided he was ready to make the leap, and because of an email none-the-less.
“It wasn’t until he got back to campus that he decided he was ready to make the leap, and because of an email none-the-less.”
Their first Monday back, he was emailing with a former teacher about his options after college. In the midst of their correspondence, this teacher, whom he’d known for years, wrote the line “God has blessed you tremendously”. Why would such a casual tag line have meaning? Well, apparently, for him, a person wasn't simply blessed by God, and to say so simply isn't commonplace. To hear something so radical from a teacher he’d had as a child was odd, and amazingly he immediately recognized it as Christ calling him into relationship. He showed up at the dorm room of a couple of his ServeUP small group leaders completely overwhelmed and excited to fully commit his life to Jesus.
This story is by Jake, staff at the University of Maine - Farmington